Litech Aqua is all about staying ahead with the latest and greatest in water filtration and liquid treatment tech. We're on the lookout for top-notch methods being developed right here, right now.
Our main techniques are:
— Bulk filtration: that's your mechanical filtering, adsorption, and ion exchange;
— Membrane tech: things like reverse osmosis, microfiltration (all sorts of ways and types), ultrafiltration, and nanofiltration;
— Electromembrane tech: electrodialysis, electrolysis, and electrodeionization.
Choosing the right tech is key for a successful and cost-effective solution, especially with unique liquids. It's all about getting the equipment settings and specific reagents spot on, if that's what the process calls for.
The whizzes at Litech Aqua offer a heap of lab and pilot tests that we run on samples provided by the client. This way, our clients can see the results for themselves, not just based on theory but actual lab research.
The big win with this approach is that our clients can check out the results before they commit to buying any gear, and they can work out the cost-effectiveness of the process, even for one-off products.